What is Dehydration?

The human body is 75% water, and without water, we cannot survive. We lose water in the form of urination, sweating, and breathing. However, when we do not drink sufficient water as our body requires, we suffer from dehydration. Dehydration may be mild, moderate, or severe, depending on how much fluid is missing from your body.

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What Causes Dehydration?

It is usual for that body to get rid of water. Usually, this can be done by sweating, urinating, defecating, through tears, salivation, and in many cases breathing.

Dehydration can be treated by drinking a lot of fluids and water. Some of the conditions that cause the body to lose water are:

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How to Prevent Dehydration

Beware of Extreme Weather Conditions

Symptoms of Dehydration

An early indicator of dehydration is thirst, when we feel thirsty it is our body telling us it needs water, there will also be a decrease in urination as the body attempts to conserve water loss. As the level of dehydration increases other symptoms will appear, these may differ by age.

Dehydration Signs in Infants and Young Children

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A CT Scanner is one of the quickest and more accurate examinations and diagnostic tools available in modern medicine, and because of this, it has become an invaluable tool to emergency physicians around the globe.

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